We recommend resources and products that we have found to be valuable. If you clink on a product link, we may receive a commission from an affiliate.
Forks Over Knives is a good starting point. It is a classic, more concerned with the health benefits of a plant based diet. Amazon.
In Defense of Food is based on Michael Pollan’s best-selling book, discussing how traditional diets have been “making us sick”. Amazon.
Cowspiracy has been around a while. This one does focus on the environmental impacts of meat and dairy. Netflix.
Seaspiracy is produced by the same folks as Cowspiracy and is uncovers the impacts of commercial fishing. Netflix.
On the Internet:
Greenpeace_2050 is a document giving their vision on how the meat industry might work.
Diet Resources: 3 of the most informative, science based sources of information
NutritionFacts.org Dr. Michael Greger’s site. This has to be one of the best science-driven resource regarding diet and the effect on illnesses, with many videos and diet advice. There is a lot of information here, but it is a good site to start with.
Physicians_Committee_for_Responsible_Medicine This organization is composed of doctors who believe that diet can prevent/cure many diseases. It is another science-based resource that is very helpful.
Center_For_Nutrition_Studies This is primary site for T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study, with lots of articles and a certification program through Cornell University.
How Not to Die, by Dr. Michael Greger is a must for your personal library. Part 1 covers a number of common illnesses and the dietary advice to combat or cure them. Part 2 covers how to eat healthy and Dr. Greger’s “Daily Dozen” top plant based foods. See the full book review here: How_Not_To_Die
The China Study, by T. Colin and Thomas M. Campbell. This one is also worth keeping in your library. Among other studies, this book details a largest nutritional study done to date.
The Alzheimer’s Solution by Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai is the best handbook we’ve seen on how to reduce your risk of cognitive decline. It breaks down myths of these diseases, the power of nutrition and other steps one can take to reduce your risk. We’ve heard them speak and they are incredible.