The Mediterranean Diet is BEST!

US News rated the Mediterranean Diet the best of over 40 diets for the 4th year in a row. See The Dukin and keto diets, high in protein and fats, often animal based, were rated the worst.

Even better, also reported this week, the Mediterranean Diet appears to help reduce the chance of Dementia. See the CNN summary:…/mediterranean-diet…/index.html
This is not the first study to link a (mostly) plant based diet to reducing chances of cognitive loss diseases.

In the CNN article, Claire McEvoy, assistant professor at Queen’s University Belfast stated “Eating a healthy plant-based diet is associated with better cognitive function and around 30% to 35% lower risk of cognitive impairment during aging.”

CNN states that although we may associated some rich, animal based foods with Mediterranean countries, the majority of people in the area eat a heavily plant based diet, with limited meat, dairy and processed foods.

The CNN article has a link to the scientific article in Neurology magazine, but unless you need something to put you to sleep, stick with the CNN summary.