Psychobiotics: A new application for microbes and your gut

Psychobiotics are microbes (probiotics) that can affect (improve) your mood or depression and possibly more.  There is a growing understanding that your gut health can affect your mental state.

Psychology_Today describes a link between “leaky gut” where one’s natural system breaks down and allows toxins and bacteria to enter the blood system potentially increasing depression, anxiety and other issues. 

Several articles on the topic refer to the “gut-brain axis”, meaning there is a relationship between your gut and how you think and feel.  The effects go both ways, meaning your gut health can impact your mood and your mood can impact your gut health.

Their recommendation is essentially to “consume more fibers and fermented foods and avoid refined sugars and junk foods”.  The objective is to nourish your gut lining.

Researchers have identified certain probiotics that seem to help with stress and other mental health issues and it seems prebiotics also can help.  This, being a new area of research, will undoubtedly have more developments in the near future.  It is pretty exciting to read that you can improve your mental state by improving your gut health!

If your have severe mental health issues consult medical professionals.  Many of them will know little nothing of this gut-brain link, so you may need to search for someone who has followed this research.  Also, be aware that the studies so far have been limited.

It will sound a little odd to hear the main side effect of a, in this case, psychobiotic protocol is an improvement in one’s digestive health.  

For anyone who wants to go (way) deeper into this, the National Institute of Health’s Library has a wealth of scientific papers, at Psychobiotics_NIH .